Friday, April 17, 2009

Beyond My 15 Minutes

Fame. OMG!!! Like it's totally awesome. I learned that last year when Dad was nominated. Suddenly the warm glow of camera lights were on MEEEEEEEEE!!!! The campaign itself was about bunch of boring stuff like the economy. But the important thing is that I was in the limelight. Then tragedy. The election was over and, like, I was a has-been. BUMMER!!! The name of Meghan McCain was doomed to fade away.

It was like that dude, Andy Whirlpool, said, "Everybody will be famous for 15 minutes." How true. All the kids of losing presidential candidates are famous for 15 minutes. Remember that horse-faced daughter of John Kerry from 2004 who wore that see-thru thingy? Well, I already forgot her name. Her 15 minutes were up. So that is my new absolutely awesome mission in life. To extend my 15 minutes of fame. That is why I have titled this blog and my new book, "Beyond My 15 Minutes."

Yes, I'll be like giving you all sorts of fab tips on how you too can extend your own 15 minutes of fame by following my example. Oh, and yeah, I'll sort of be telling Republicans how to reach out to young people, the twittering community, the otherly-gendered, and lots of other things and stuff. Actually that is my shtick for extending my 15 minutes. Think anybody would give a rat's ass damn about my opinion of a bunch of dull issues? YAWN! Nope. My gimmick is to slam conservatives. Shoo! You folks shouldn't be Republicans. You're too BOOOOORRRRRING!!! The moment I mentioned this I was back in the limelight again. All sorts of cable shows had me on as a guest. Larry King drooled as I told conservatives to STFU and, OMG, next week I'll be the guest co-host on The View for two whole days. CAN YOU BELIEVE!!!

So keep watching this blog. I will keep you updated on absolutely everything about the true meaning of my life which is to extend my 15 minutes of fame plus I will have sample chapters of my new book here. Oh, and I will let you know about some of my important Twitter updates. Like right now I am staring into my bellybutton and admiring the star tattoo on my foot. I just took a pic of that tattoo for your enjoyment. Isn't it awesome?

Back at ya later with the latest in my new exciting life! Remember, fame is the name of the game.